Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The art of entrepreneurship

As a child I imagined my career to come with ease. I believed that I would have success at the palm of my hands once I reached adulthood. Now that I am thirty I do not have the career I envisioned. I ask myself what defines my success? Well, I have been pursuing many passions for many years. Some may say focus on one thing at a time but I find it hard to do so when I have been blessed with several creative outlets that allow me to breath life through. In all my thirty years I've learned that not everyone is going to be a man or woman of their word. Everything isn't always what it seems. There are crabs in a barrel out there. Some people are only in it for what benefits them. And if you aren't a star over night nobody wants anything to do with you. I've also realized the stars over night don't shine too long but those that have a story to tell have a long lasting career. If it takes time then you will appreciate it when it's ripe. I am currently working on establishing myself as a designer. The world can be so critical at times and when you choose a career where you are competing with unbelievable numbers you have to set yourself apart from the rest. Now is not the time to throw a pity party or get down and out on my "luck". What is luck compared to faith in yourself and God? If God gave it to you he wants you to use it. Someday I will own my own boutique with not only my pieces but other designers as well. Friend or foe whatever you are to me you have to go out and fulfill your hearts desires. You have to chase your dreams because they aren't going to chase you. I strive for entrepreneurship because like the french meaning "one who undertakes innovations" I do consider myself an innovator. So to answer my own question, being an innovator is what defines me and will be the backbone to what defines my success.

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