Sunday, July 18, 2010

Out with the old and in with the new.

This picture below was taken back in October 2005. It was halloween so don't worry the knife is fake but I'm cutting up fashion. I have owned this vest for 5 years now. In my attempt to wear the vest I picked up my son and he pulled one of the buttons off and it broke once it hit the floor. I didn't want to get rid of the vest because I felt it was a timeless piece in my closet but I sure couldn't walk around with one obvious button missing. Months passed by and I happened to stumble upon a store that sales buttons and I saw these really cool ones I thought would go perfect with my 5 year old vest. I also saw a few cool patches to add on the shoulders to spice up the vest and give it a little more edge. For some reason whenever I cut my hair I feel more edgy and fashion forward. Anyhow, below are the pictures of my vest transformation. Enjoy!

The original cost of the vest was $39 and I spent another $45 on buttons and patches. I could've gotten some cheaper buttons but that's exactly
how it would've These were the perfect match would you agree?

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